Re-assess coaching programme

Coaches, counsellors and wellbeing practitioners, helping clients improve their physical and mental health, often end up with little or no time to think about themselves and their practice. I know it from my own experience. As a personal and organisational coach and facilitator, my focus naturally shifts towards my clients’ needs. At times, I have been so preoccupied with my work with clients that my own wellbeing and development took a backstage. Also, I found it difficult to look at my coaching practice through a business lens. Helping others and making a difference was more important than the financial viability of what I was doing. I lost my balance and had to rethink my approach so that I could keep giving my best at work whilst pursuing my interests, having more healthy routines in my life and developing as a practitioner.

I had to ask myself some questions to refocus and re-organise my practice:

  • Am I working in the way that still suits me, my life situation and my energy levels?
  • Is my work aligned with my values and life priorities?
  • What is the next step in my personal and professional development?
  • How can I use my unique skills and approaches to attract clients and maintain a healthy work-life balance?


If you would like me to share with you what I have learnt through this process and help you reassess your practice, please do contact me. I am happy to discuss your practice and work out the best way to support your growth.

The RE-ASSESS programme runs over 4 weeks and comprises of 2 face-to-face (or Skype) meetings and 2 online sessions (Skype and email). The key milestones of the process include:

  • Review of the current work portfolio and commitments
  • Strengths inventory and identifying key life values and priorities
  • Mapping out the optimal approach to your practice
  • Implementation of a new approach and the review

For prices please contact: [email protected].

I am offering 3 discounted places for those who sign up to the programme by 15th March 2019.